
These posts are manually sorted by most recent.

8/21/2023 - Future of this site

This is just some info about how the site will change over time. Nothing is set in stone for the later dates, but the near future is certain. Lots of personal situations have been affecting my available time online, so change will likely go slower from here on. I might mainatin this pace from now on, to avoid burnout.

NOW: I've found myself getting tired a lot more often lately, so maintaining and updating the site to my liking has gotten a little difficult. Not a lot of time to make changes or improvements at the moment.

IN A BIT: My living situation is going to change soon due to the rising cost of living, so I will be moving to my childhood home to save for... whatever needs paying. Debt, mostly. This will affect my daily schedule, and as a consequence how often the site is updated. This won't be permanent, just until I'm back on my feet.

LATER: I don't know of any events that will affect me beyond that. Hopefully none show up!

8/1/2023 - Underappreciated details

I don't believe many share this sentiment, but I really enjoy when a fantasy map was made with realistic geology in mind. I know, fantasy maps have the benefit of being whatever the hell they want, and don't have the laws of physics bogging them down from taking whatever form they please. However, the amount of effort that goes into a map that could feasibly exist in the real world needs a lot more praise than it currently receives.

I'm talking ocean currents and plate tectonics and shit. The climate zones accurately mapped with Köppen classification. Put some high altitude micro-biomes on that thang.